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Gershom Hinckley Kirby (1805 - 1888),  appears on the 1850 CA census in
Sacramento, having struck out for the CA gold fields from Whiteside CO, IL
where he had worked as a carpenter (abt. 1837 to 1849). "Among the earliest
lumbermen to move to Soquel (Santa Cruz CO)  were GH Kirby (etal).   Kirby
put a water power mill on Soquel Creek, and several years later Roger
Hinckley and John L. Shelby went further up the creek." (ref: Santa Cruz
County - Parade of the Past; pg 157).  Roger Hinckley & GH Kirby were
neighbors in Wyoming CO, NY.    In 1853 Lucy (Moon) Kirby came out to Soquel
by covered wagon with their 6 children, Harriet (Ryder), Lucretia (Orton),
Charles Henry Kirby, Seth Kirby, Silas Wright Kirby & David Allen Kirby.
After the death of Lucy (Moon) Kirby,  daughter of Job & Tryphena Moon,  in
1868, GH Kirby moved  to Tulare CO where his sons, Seth & Charles
homesteaded.  G H Kirby is the son of TIMOTHY (see Wyoming CO, NY posting)
and CATHERINE W (Hinckley) Kirby of Oneida CO, NY.  We are endeavoring to
locate the origin of Timothy.  Any information on our pioneer family of 3
states (NY, ILL & CA) would be greatly appreciated.
(can you highlight both Gershom Hinckley Kirby & Timothy Kirby?  Much thanks
for all of your hard work on these postings - they are GRRRREAT)

page 209
Kirby (Henry), 1839, Engl. steward of the Corsair, who kept a restaurant at S. F. in '40; a
witness against Capt. Hinckley in '40-1. iv. 119. K. (James), 1844, attendant of a sick sailor at
Mont.; perhaps same as John K., a sailor. K. (Richard C.), 1846, Engl. tanner, who left a whaler
on the Or. coast in '45, and came by land to Cal. with a party the next year. v. 526. He worked
at his trade for Sutter during Bear Flag times, and later had a small tannery in the North Beach
region at S. F. In '47-8 he worked at Sta Cruz; as miner and trader in the mines '48-9 he made a
small fortune, which he soon lost in a city speculation; and from '50 he was engaged in the
manufacture of leather at Sta Cruz, where he still lived in '79, and I think in '85. Portrait in Sta
Cruz Co. Hist., 16. Kirchner (Henry), 1848, partner of Weber at Stockton. Tinkham. Kirk
(Thomas), 1847, Co. B, Morm. Bat. (v. 469). Kirkwood (James and John), 1846, Co. B, Cal.
Bat. (v. 358); there was also a James, Jr, at Mont. in '47. The K.'s were overl. immig. mentioned
by Bryant. Kisling (John W.), 1846, Danish sailor at S. F., who got a lot in '47, went to the mines
in '48, and returning lived in town to '59, later at S. Mateo, and died in '61, leaving a widow and
2 children.  

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