Migration Patterns
Migration Routes and Settlement Patterns, 1607-1890 By George K. Schweitzer, PHD, SCD The Early colonial Era 1607-1700 1607-1700 Chiefly English Settlers English settle VA 1607 & MA 1620 Dutch in NY 1624 Eng, ND 1634 English moved from MA & ME 1630 Revolution 1776-83 indian attacks and cheap land sent people to TN-KY, also came down OH river to WV-KY-S-OH
UP TO THE APPALACHIANS 1700-63 many Germans & Scotch-Irish Behind lowlands was rugged upland, sloping up to Appalachian Mtns, which run from (NE NY) - (EC PA)-(E WV)-(E KY)-(EC TN)-NW GA) Running along the uplands (called Piedmont in S) just E of Mtns is long, broad, easily-traveled, fertile, Great Valley, also (NE NY) -to-(NW GA) VA & NC Piedmont settled first from E by Engl & Scots (NC) Indians (Span) blocked SC In NY Indians (French) & land speculators blocked settlers, so immigrants entered by Philadelphia, many Germans (1710-) & Scotch - Irish (1717-) They filled SE PA, then cheap land turned them down Valley (1727) filled Valley to TN, then left it through passes into upland VA-NC-SC In N, where many Scotch-Irish also came, uplands of MA-CT-NH-MD & VT settled, NY blocked so they moved NW instead of W.
THROUGH THE APPLACHIANS (1700-83) Hostile French U Indians across the Mtns before 1763, French defeated, gave English Canada & all the land up to MS River, drove Indians back Settlers moved (1) from MD-VA-MC thru Valley Thru Cumberland Gap in KY (2) VA-NC-MD thru Valley into NE TN (3) from PA-NJ-MD-N VA to Forks of OH River (SW PA, later Pittsburg) on Forbes and Braddocks Roads. (4) From VA into WV toward and to OH River thru river valleys Then American Revolution (1776-83), savage British-incited Indian attacks, but cheap land brought people into TN-KY, also came down OH River to WV-KY-S OH. Revolution gave US all land E of MS River , gave Spain FL & W of MS River, hostile Indians in OH (British incited) and AL-MS (Spanish incited)
INTO TRANS-APPLACHIAN REGION (1783-1812) NY indians left during the Rev. OH Indians defeated 1795 Spain sold LA terr to France 1802 who sold it to US 1803
5 MAJOR ROUTES 1. New Engl into NY along Mohawk 2. NJ-DE-PA-MD-VA to Pittsburgh ten down OH 3. NJ-PA-MD down Valley to TN-KY-S OH 4. NC-SC to TN-KY on Jonesboro road (Saluda Gap.) 5. SC across river to GA VT statehood 1791 KY 1792 TN 1796 W NY & NW PA 1795-1812 S OH then NORTHWARD 1790-1803 (OH statehood) N OH settled thru NY-PA, OH populated from VA-NC-SC by poor soil farmers KY-PA moving W, NY vets, by MA-CT thru NY Settlement rapid, spilled over into S IN & S IL, reached C GA
UP TO THE MISSISSIPPI RIVER 1812-50 1812 settlement pattern was a triangle with base on Atlantic seaboard, apex confluence of OH-MS Rivers, indians in N IN-IL & AL -MS 1812 War broke Indian power in both N & S pushing them westward 1815-30 Southerners KY-TN-VA-NC-SC crossed KY & WV & S OH to S IN & S IL, then to mines in NW IL & SW WI 1830 -50 Middlers (NY-OH-PA) & Germans settle N IN, & N IL & S MI & S WI, importance of Erie Canal, lake travel, rise of Detroit & Chicago.
Meanwhile 1815-50 W GA-AL-MS-W TN filled by people from NC-SC-GA-TN the cotton land
LA settled early following LA Purchase 1803 Fench refugees, then from MS-AL-GA & Ireland & Germans, statehood 1812. MO then settled by KY-TN-VA-OH-GER-IRE, statehood 1821, became trade center of W, then AR more slowly from TN-AL-MS-NC-KY-GA statehood 1836 E. Indians put in OK & KS 1825-40 with settlers forbidden, behind them desert, formed migration barrier, LA-MS-AR-MO-KY people could go S to TX or jump to CA-OR from W MO No barrier on Upper MS River, IA settled from OH-IN-IL-PA-NY-KY, statehood 1846 then MN from NY-WI & Ger & Irl , statehood 1858 Americans move into MEX-TX beginning 1821, TX independence 1836, annexed 1845, settled from TN-AL-GA-MS & Germans People began entering KS in 1854 (from OH-IL-MO-IN-IA-GER-IRE), statehood 1861 NE settled 1850's from IL-IA-OH-MY-PA-GER-SWE, statehood 1867
THE JUMP TO THE FAR WEST (1826-46) Beginning with the Methodist Mission 1834, Brit OR began to fill thru OR Trail (MO up Platte River to Ft Laramie thru S Pass to Ft Bridger & Ft Hall down Snake River to Fts Boise & Walla Walla down Columbia River) Sizeable migrations after 1842, Brit abandon OR-WA 1846, became OR Territory 1848 (from MO-IL-IA-OH) 1847 /8 persecuted Mormons moved to isolated UT desert on OR Trail to Ft Bridger, then SW, established sizable theocracy, became Terr of UT 1850, with Mormons governing In 1841 US settlers began moving overland into Mexican CA, 1846/8 US won Mexican War, CA-NM-AZ-ceded to US 1849 Gold Rush CA settled from NY-MO-OH-MA-PA-CHINA-IREL-GER
3 ways to CA:
FILLING IN BETWEEN (1861-90) Mining frontier moved W-to-E- (CA-NV-CO, WA-ID-MT-SD) 1858 Gold Strikes NV-CO 1876 CO statehood (IL-NY-MO-OH-IA) 1855 Strike in WA 1889 State (IA-WI-IL-NY-NOR-GER ) in years after gold, copper, lead, tin mined
Plains spread N from TX(W TX-W OK-KS-NE-CO-WY-MT-SD-ND, then NM-ZA-E-OZ Ranchers were followed
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