1782 Census of Pittsylvania County, Virginia
Franklin Co. VA Tax List Name No. Tithes Whites Over 21 Whites 16-21 Slaves Over 16 Slaves Under 16 Horses Cattle Kerby, Francis 1 1 0 0 1 0 5 There was a message in April 1998 regarding the 1773 tax
list for
Colonial America, 1607-1789 Kerby, Mrs. State : VA
County : Dinwiddie Co.
Year : 1779 MONTGOMERY COUNTY VA TAX LIST KIRBY/KERBY/CURBY 1789 Bird SMITH District May 25, Samuel KERBY Samuel Williams KERBY
1790 Bird SMITH District March 5, Peter KERBY William KERBY William Sam KERBY
1792 Robert CURRINS District June 14, Peter KERBY 1 white male over 16; 3 Horses, etc.. Sept. 27, Peter KERBY 1 horse, etc.. ____________
James HOSE District March 12 , Samuel KERBY 1 horse, etc.
1793 Thomas GOODSEN DIST. May 22, William CURBY 2 horses, etc.. May 11, Francis IRBY 1 cow and 1 horse March 17, John KERBY 3 horses, etc. June 19, Peter KERBY 2 horses 1794 Robert Currin Dist. May 13, Peter KERBY 1 Horse,etc. May 13, William KERBY 4 Horses, Mares, Colts
1795 GOODSEN Dist. May 1, Francis IRBY 1798 Thomas GOODSEN Dist. July 4, Peter CURBY 1 horse July 4, James CURBY 1 horse, etc. July 4, John CURBY no numbers .
HOGE DISTRICT May 19, Peter CURBY 1 2 paid 18 cents tax
1799 HOGE DISTRICT May 12, James KERBY 1 1 paid 12 cents
1800 John HOGE District June 9, William CERBY 1 horse 1801 John HOGE DISTRICT William CERBY 1 horse
1802 James BARNETT District March, James KERBY 1 horse paid 12 cents tax
1803 James BARNETT DISTRICT William CERBY 1 male over 16, 1 horse
1805 James BARNETT DISTRICT August James KERBY 2 horses William KERBY 1 horse John KERBY 2 horses 1806 James BARNETT DISTRICT James KERBY 2 horses William KERBY 2 horses John KERBY 2 horses
1807 Thomas BOWYER DISTRICT James KERBY 2 horses
John HOSE DISTRICT William KERBY 3 horses John KERBY 3 horses
1809 Thomas BOWYER DISTRICT James KERBY 2 horses
April 18 William KERBY 4 horses John KERBY 4 horses James KERBY 4 horses
1810 James BARNETT District John KERBY 4 Horses, Mares or Colts paid 24 cents tax
1811 James BARNETT District John KERBY 3 horses
1812 James KERBEY 3 horses John KERBY 4 horses