Washington County, Pennsylvania GREEN CO. PA TAX LISTS None listed WASHINGTON CO. PA TAX LISTS 1788 Cumberland Township Joseph KIRBYSINGLE MEN Richard KIRBYThese men can be found in the Census records section of PA!
WASHINGTON CO. PA 1788 Cumberland Township Tax List, To Mr Joseph Gwyne Collector of the Taxes of Cumberland Township for 1788 You are hereby authorized and required to notify every person in your respective township what there taxes is either personally or in writing as expressed in your duplicate at least five days before the appeal which will be held at Henry Van Metres Esq, Friday 16th of May: Joseph Kerby William Whitelatch/?Whitlatch (KNOWN FAMILY TO BE WITH THE KIRBY'S) SINGLE MEN: Richard Karby/Kerby/Kirby FROM CENSUS RECORDS...... KIRBY, JOSEPH 1790 CENSUS KIRBY, RICHARD 1790 CENSUS KIRBY, JAMES 1820 CENSUS KIRBY, JOHN 1820 CENSUS CUMBERLAND COUNTY PENNSYLVANIA TAX & SUPPLY LISTS TAX LISTS....1750-1753 AND 1762-1767 AND 1768-1770 [NO KIRBY'S LISTED AT ALL IN THESE YEARS!] INDICTMENTS.... NO KIRBY'S LISTED! 1778 EAST PENNSBOROUGH TOWNSHIP KEMBLE, Jacob 22 Acres; 0 Negros; 4 Horses; 4 Cattle; 12.1.0 TAX GILFORD TOWNSHIP KERBY, William 135 Acres; 1 Negro; 2 Horses; 3 Cattle; 16.7.8 TAXHAMILTON TOWNSHIP CERBY, Petter 35 Acres; 0 Negros; 1 Horse; 2 Cattle; 14.8 TAX [46 yrs. if #1]SLOAN, Robert 111 Acres; 0 Negros; 2 Horses; 2 Cattle; 9.1.0 TAX COWEN, William 0 Acres; 0 Negros; 1 Horse; 3 Cattle; 3.9.4. TAX 1779 GILFORD TOWNSHIP KERBY, William 300 Acres; 2 Horses, 3 Cattle, 2 NegrosHAMILTON TOWNSHIP KIRBY, James 80 Acres; 1 Horse, 2 Cattle, 0 Negros 1780 EAST PENNSBORO TOWNSHIP KIMBLE, Phillip 111 Acres, 3 Horses, 7 Cattle, GILFORD TOWNSHIP KERBY, William 443 Acres, 4 Horses, 8 Cattle, 1 NegroHAMILTON TOWNSHIP SLOAN, Robert 150 Acres, 2 Horses, 3 Cattle, 0 Negros 1781 EAST PENNSBORO TOWNSHIP CIMBLE, Phillip 111 Acres, 3 Horses, 7 Cattle GUILFORD TOWNSHIP KERBY, William 443 Acres, 4 Horses, 10 Cattle, 1 NegroHAMILTON TOWNSHIP KIRBY, Peter 145 ½ Acres, 1 Horse, 3 Cattle, 0 Negro [49yrs if #1]COWEN, William 138 Acres, 0 Horses, 0 Cattle, 0 Negros SLOAN, Robert 150 Acres, 2 Horses, 4 Cattle, 0 Negros 1781LISTING OF FREEMEN (SINGLE) HAMILTON TOWNSHIP KIRBY, Thomas 40.0.0 TAX RYE TOWNSHIPKIMBLE, Phillip 100 Acres, 0 Horses, 0 Cattle, 0 Negros 1782 GUILFORD TOWNSHIP KIRBY, William 443 Acres, 4 Horses, 9 Cattle, 1 NegroHAMILTON TOWNSHIP KIRBY, Peter 145 Acres, 2 Horses, 4 Cattle, 0 Negros [50 yrs if #1]SINGLE FREEMEN OF HAMILTON TWP. KIRBY, Thomas 2.5.0 Amount of TAX LEWIS, John 2.5.0 Amount of TAX 1785 EAST BOROUGH TOWNSHIPKIMBLE, Phillip 111 Acres, 4 Horses, 6 Cattle, 0 Negros HAMILTON & GULIFORD were not listed in this year and this was the last year of the tax lists for this county. History of Earlier Cumberland Townships NAME CREATED FIRST APPEARANCE DATE SEPARATED Guilford Same as Peters 1751 1781 Part of Franklin Co. 1784.Hamilton 1752 1752 Part of Franklin Co. 1784. FRANKLIN CO. PA, TAX SUPPLY LIST (These townships changed counties in 1784 because of boundary changes) GILFORD TWP. 1785 KIRBY, William 4-4-11 1786 KIRBY, William 3-18-6 1788 KIRBY, William 2-18-8 HAMILTON TWP. 1785 KIRBY William 1-7-0 1786 KIRBY, William 1-9-2 1787 CERBY, William 0-15-9 1788 KIRBY, William 1-3-8 1789 KIRBY, William 0-17-0 |