This is the Will of Henry Kirby, Smith Co,
Tenn. (page 117-118) in parenthasis
are the words I could not make out, any clues?? I would love to know what
these words might be. I do have this will scanned in a jpg file, anyone want
to try to read it?
In the name of God Amen
I Henry Kirby, son of Smith County and State of Tennessee being in perfect
health and sound of mind and memory thanks be given to God and calling to mind
the mortality of my body and knowing that it is appointed for man (once) to
die do constitute appoint and ordain this my Last Will and Testament (viz
jarinnifrally) to say first I give my soul into the hands of Almighty God that
give it to me my body to be buried at the discretion of my Executor and
friends nothing doubting but at the general (nessunnectianed) shall receive
the same again by that Almighty which give it--- and as touching my worldly
estate where so it be give demise and dispose of the same in the following
manner and form Item the first I give and bequeath unto my beloved wife
Susannah Kirby and also my son William Kirby all my goods and chattles and
both real and personal to have and to hold. (?) Same in their peaceable
possession and enjoying all the benefits arising therefrom or during their
material lives and at their decease or in other wards at my wife decease it is
my desire that my old slave Named Doll Shaw.. Be set at liberty as a free
woman and at the decease of the above named Susannah Kirby and William Kirby
it is my desire that all the remaining property should be equally Divided
among my living children John Kirby Richard Kirby Robert Kirby Henry Kirby
Joseph Kirby Archibald Kirby Sarah Panky Elizabeth Gibbs and my daughter Judah
Remfroe equal parts I give and bequeath unto the lawful begotten Heirs of her
body and that they receive the same at such an age as the law directs
Turn Over
I also appoint and ordain my Son John Kirby and Ozzie Panky executors to this
my last will and testament and also as guardians for my Son William Kirby in
(SSSSSSSS) whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affirmed my seal this sixth
day of October in the year of Our Lord One thousand Eight hundred and Twenty
Signed Sealed acknowledge >
and delivered in the >
Henry (?)
Kirby (Seal)
presence of>
Test (Tharuah) Drapper
Augustine L Thorn