SOURCE: Book, Hopkins of Virginia and
Related Families
by Author: Walter Lee Hopkins
John Kirby, Sr., b. cir. 1698, d. (will dated
Nov. 19, 1772, pro. Feb. 25, 1773, of record in Pitts.Co., Va.); m. Joanna(???), cir.
1723, who d. in Pitts. Co. subsequent to 1773(*)
(*)The following are some Kirby records from Pitts. Co., Va.:
William Hill, April 14, 1769, deeds Frances Kirby for
50, 300 acres on Joniken Creek.
Mar. 19,1769. Francis Anderson of Amelia
Co. deeds John Kirby of Pitts. Co., Planter, for 75 400 acres on
both sides Owens Creek.
July 13, 1770, Frederick Rives of Pitts. deeds David Kirby
of aforesaid Co. for 250, 1500 acres on
both sides of Pigg River in Pitts. Co.
April 12, 1770, John Kirby of Pitts. Co. deeds Henry
Kirby of same Co., Planter, for 75, 135 acres
on Pigg River.
Land Grants to Kirbys in Pitts. Co.:
Sept. 28, 1743, William Kirby enters for 200 acres on
lower side Sandy Creek, and 100 acres on the
first fork of Cane Creek.
July 4, 1748, William Kirby, Jr., enters for 400 acres
of land on the Back Lines of the land he
lives on.
1760 John Kirby enters 400 acres running up Turkey Creek
and 400 acres beginning on Linche's line
thence on both sides Snow Creek.
1762 John Kirby enters 400 acres beginning at a White Oak marked
I. K. on head of Byrd's Creek, and
400 acres between Jeremiah fork and Lobe's Creek.
Feb.1762. John Kirby, Jr., enters 400
acres beginning at a Chestnut marked I. K. on the ridge at the
head of Little Joniken Creek.
1762 Richard Kirby enters 400 acres land between lines of Hugh
1762 John Kirby enters 400 acres on Snow Creek beginning
at Francis Kirby's corner.
1768 Peter Kirby enters 400 acres on a branch of Pigg River.
1768 Richard Kirby 400 acres adjoining Mark Hardin's lines.
From a list of Tithables and lands taken by George Jefferson in Pitts. Co. and Camdem
Parish for
year 1769, appears the following names: Francis Kirby,
100 acres; Joseph Kirby, 100 acres; John
Kirby and Jesse Kirby, 135 acres; David Kirby, 100 acres; John
Kirby, 100 acres. From a list of
Taxable Property taken by Jeremiah White in Captain Benjamin Terry's Company of Militia
for 1785
were the following: John Kirby, Sen., John Kirby, Jr., William Kirby. Henry Kirby
and Francis Kirby.
Patent Book 19 - 01 Dec 1740 -
- Among the branches
of the Byrd Creek. - 400 acres
Note: This is 'old' John KIRBY(d. 1772) of Pittslyvania Co., VA
John KIRBY also has land on Pigg Creek.
Pittsylvania County, VA Grants Book 38, page 86:
To Moses Kirby
250 acres on Little Turkey Cock Creek January 15, 1798.
(323 acres to Henry Kirby, November 2, 1779)
(400 acres to John Kirby, February 16, 1771)
(367 acres to Richard Kirby, September 1, 1780)
