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It is my hope that if you have ancestor's from the 1600-1700's that are not reflected in these records you will share them with me to post to this page.  Adrianne


KIRBYE, THOMAS #2 1643-1651 450 ACRES PG. 21

Patent Book 2 - Thomas SYMONS, 450 acres Charles River Co., 25 Nov 1637 - Butting upon footeball quarter Cr. adj. his own plantation, land of William Freeman & Andres Huntington. And what that parcell shall want of 450 acs. is to be supplyed between the plantation of Gilbert SYMONDS and the sd. Thomas SYMONS, etc. For the transportation of 9 persons.... (by Sir John HARVEY).

Assignment of the abover unto Thomas KIRBYE, Planter, 28 Dec 1642, Page 21. Witnesses: Peter RANSOME & Edward BEREMAN

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Charles Parish Records documents well this line of KERBY'S from York Co.  You can find a complete record at Eva GREGORY'S website offering a $5,000 reward for those finding a definite link to the English ancestor's of this line.

Also, Darlene's web page which features some descendants of this line:


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VA Land records lists John in 1671

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Isle of Wright Land Records list: 1713 Thomas, 1724 & 1733 Richard, 1750 Richard JR.

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VA Land records of Lundenburg Co. lists 1750 John & Francis

VA Land records of Prince George lists John 1734, 1729, 1745

VA Land records of Goochland lists Richard 1630 & 1740; John 1740

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The York Co., Elizabeth Co. & South Hampton Co. families are thought to be from the Thomas KIRBYE ancestor.

1752- Halifax County created out of Lunenburg and included what is today Pittsylvania.

28 Nov 1764 Halifax Voting Polls mention: John, Francis, Henry, Richard

17 Jul 1765 Halifax Voting Polls mention: David, Francis, Henry

2 Dec 1768 Halifax Voting Polls mention: Henry, Henry Baker, Richard       


2 Webpages with some of the family inf. of this county!                                                            

1767-June 1 Pittsylvania County was cut off from Halifax County

List of Tithables Taken by George Jefferson in Pittsylvania County and Cambden Parish for the year 1767

Francis Kirby
John Kirby & Jesse Kirby
Joshiah Kirbey
David Kirby                                                             
John Kirby, Jr.

Some family inf. on this line under the Pittsylvania Co. Families on this site!


1768- Peter KIRBY living on Pigg River; Source VA Land Records

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Details of this list, click here

1782 Halifax County, Kerby, Henry

1785 Halifax Co., Kirby, Joseph, Kerby, William, Kerby, Henry B.

The 1782 Henry County, Kearby, Richard, Kearby, Jesse, Kearby,Jesse,Kearby, Joseph, Kearby, Francis; Kearby, John ;Kerby,David

The York Co. records 1779 John listed
The 1786 Franklin County, Virginia Personal Property Tax List
Kerby, Francis 1 1 0 0 1 0 5
Kerby, John 1 1 0 0 0 1 0
The Dinwiddle Co. records 1779- Mrs. Kerby listed
The 1788 James City County, Virginia Personal Property Tax List
Kerby, John 9 5

The 1779 Southampton Co. lists Silas

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By this time we find Kirby/Kerby's, several counties.  Montgomery, Franklin, Henry, Pittsylvania, Dinwiddle, York, Southampton, etc...


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