Also check on the Hanover Co.
& Pittsylvania VA site for additional information on these Halifax families listed in
the VA Genealogy file listed there.\
Adrianne asked about tax lists prior to 1790 for
Halifax Co., VA. The
following information lists Kerbys found on "Halifax County, Virginia,
Colonial Poll and Tithables Lists," abstracted by Mary Bondurant Warren,
Heritage Papers, 1991, 61 pp. I have used the same spelling as shown in the
28 Nov 1764, Voting for Edward Booker: Jno. Kerby, Francis Kerby.
28 Nov 1764, Voting for Hamp. Wade: Henry Kerby, Henry Kerby, Henry Kerby,
Jno. Kerby, Richd. Kerby.
17 Jul 1765, Voting for Edward Booker: David Kerby, Francis Kerby, Henry
Kerby, John Kerby, John Kirby.
17 Jul 1765, Voting for John Donilson: Francis Kerby, John Kerby, John
2 Dec 1768, Voting for Nath'l Terry: Henry Kerby, Henry B. Kerby, Henry
Baker Kerby, Jno. Kerly (sic), Rich'd Kerby, Richard Kerby.
2 Dec 1768, Voting for John Lewis: Jno. Kerby, Hen'r Kerby, Hen. Baker
Cerby (sic), Rich'd Kerby.
1769, Voting for John Lewis: Henry B. Kerby, Richard Kerby.
I haven't extracted them, but the following "IRBYs" were on the list:
Anthony, Francis, John, Joshua, Peter, and William. The "IRBYs" seemed to
be grouped together and not in conjunction with the KERBYS.
Sincerely, Shirley Kirby Joiner join2@gvtc.com
Just had to jump in here. In my notes,
several years past, I found the following:
Richard Kirby of Halifax Co, Va had a brother Henry Baker Kirby.
in Richard's will , he listed the following as his heirs:
1. Joseph who married Orpha Anderson in Dec 19, 1786
2. Richard, who married Ester Anderson ( dau of Richard Anderson) July 27, 1767
3. William
Henry Baker Kirby will--dated Dec 7, 1817, married Mary Anderson.
as follows:
1. Obediah--married Dec 22, 1791, Ruth Hendricks--His will July24, 1809
lists as heirs the following: Samuel, John, Moses, Jacob, and Pleasant.
John married Orpha Anderson 19 Dec 1786.
2. Jeremiah, married March 6, 1797 to Ester Anderson( Dau of Meades
Anderson) They had Joel A, who married Jan 9, 1821 to Eliza
3. Richard, who married April 31, 1791 to Alice Anderson.
They had a
son James M., who married Jan 18, 1832 to Martha Lovelace.
4. Orpha, who married John Hamblin--no date found.
5. Hezekiah (retarded)
6. Edith Anderson
7. Mary, who left a will in 1836
8. Sarah Ferguson
9. Ester , who married 22 Feb, 1790, to Jeremiah Farmer
10. Archibald
All of the above were Quakers and more info can be found, if Quaker
records of the Halifax Co can be found. As the above were not my anscestors, I did not
follow up on them.
Hope this helps.
Glenn gkirby@juno.com
Henry KIRBY married in Bedford MM to
CH. Ester b. 1762, 11, 5
obediah b. 1765, 2,12
Jeremiah b. 1767, 10, 5
ARchibald 1769, 11, 6
Ezekiah 1771, 11, 6
Sarah 1773, 9, 11
Orpha 1775, 10, 28
Mary 1778, 1, 6
Richard 1780, 6, 30
That's about it on Kirby's in VA for the Quaker CD.
David and Elizabeth (Tarrant) Kerby
David KERBY - b. 1738, Goochland Co., VA; d. May
11, 1811; will dated Apr. 26 and proved Jul. 1, 1811, Warren Co., KY. Son of John KERBY and Joannah OWENS. First purchased land May 10, 1760,
Halifax Co., VA, and in Pittsylvania Co., VA by 1767. Took oath of allegiance in Henry
Co., VA, Sep. 13, 1777 at the age of 39. Removed to Greenville Co., SC by 1787, and to
Warren Co., KY about 1800. Married about 1756.
Elizabeth TARRANT - b. 1742, VA. Daughter of Leonard TARRANT, Sr.
Children of David and Elizabeth Kerby
- Jesse R. - b. Oct. 23, 1757, Halifax Co.,
VA; d. Dec. 17, 1853, Warren Co., KY. Rev. soldier (Pension file W9489). Married Mar. 18,
1778, Martinsville, VA, Sophia CHOICE (b. Sep. 30, 1760; d. Jul. 11, 1853). His obituary
reports that Jesse and Sophia had 135 grandchildren, 303 great grandchildren, and 7 great
great grandchildren. Children (order uncertain): David married first Polly ANDERSON, and
second Mary DUES; Nancy married William POTTER; Lucy married David HANLY; William married
Lavinia ANDERSON; Cyrus married Keziah GREEN; Elizabeth married Frederick POTTER; Jesse R.
married Prudence DISHMAN; Isaiah married Sophia KERBY; John C. married Elizabeth JACKSON;
Polly; Tully Clinton married Nancy C. HARRINGTON; and two other children.
- Leonard T. - b. Oct. 4, 1760,
Pittsylvania Co., VA; d. Sep. 15, 1842, Warren Co., KY. A Rev. soldier, he enlisted May 1,
1778 as a substitute for his father and served two tours (Pension file S31183). Married
and appears to have had a large family.
- Solomon - b. 1762; VA; d. 1818, KY. Rev.
soldier. Married first Frances ELLISON, and second Nancy BLANDWAS. Children of Solomon and
Frances: David R. married first Mary Jane ROWLAND, second Nancy JOHNSON,
and third Sarah HUMPHREY; William C. married Matilda Carter KERBY
(daughter of Asa KERBY and Elizabeth HIGHSMITH); Asa C.
married Elvira BLEW; Solomon R. married first Rhoda DUNCAN, and second
Nancy BLAND; Wade F. married Emily BLUE (or BLEW); Agnes married Obadiah HUDSON; and Ann
married Frederick ROWLAND.
- Agnes - b. May 3, 1763, Halifax Co., VA;
d. Dec. 25, 1832, Logan Co., IL. Married May 10, 1781 in Henry Co., VA to James L. TURLEY.
Lived in Union, Sangamon and Logan Cos., IL. Seven sons and seven daughters, including:
Charles married Elizabeth CHEATHAM.
- Sarah (Sally) - b. about 1767,
Pittsylvania Co., VA; d. 1837. Married Humphrey SCROGGINS.
- Samuel M. - b. Mar. 4, 1768, VA; d. 1836,
Warren Co., KY. Rev. soldier. Married Mar. 12, 1788, Mary SPANGLER. Son: Samuel M. married
Elizabeth MARTIN.
- Elizabeth - b. 1773, VA; d. about 1827,
Perry Co., IL. Married Jul. 12, 1799, William PILES. Lived in Dade Co., MO.
- Asa - b. 1775, VA; d. Mar. 1851,
Randolph Co., MO; will dated Jul. 30, 1850; buried Randolph Co., MO.
- Isaiah - b. about 1777, VA. Married May
25, 1798, Christian WILLIAMS, daughter of John & Silvy.
- Zeporah - b. Feb. 15, 1778, Halifax Co.,
VA; d. Aug. 4, 1838, Blount Co., AL. Her marriage to John PACE has been reported as Mar.
6, 1798, and as Mar. 10, 1799, Warren Co., KY.
- Anna - Named as a child of David and
Elizabeth in one listing. Married Wade HAMPTON.
My ancestor Elizabeth Kirby, b. @ l723
VA. (probably Goochland Co.) m. James
Goolsby @ l740. We believe her father to be Richard Kirby b. @ l700, but
there are so many Richard Kirbys in VA,. at that time. We need some way to
connect her to her parents. Anyone researching this Kirby Line?
Ann Phillips Lynch wwlapl@mindspring.com
20l Highlands
Union Grove, AL 35l75
Richard and Elizabeth Kirby
Richard KIRBY - d. after Apr. 1759, Halifax Co.,
VA. Lived in Goochland Co., VA where land grants were recorded Sep. 8, 1730 and Jul. 25,
1741, and a deed recorded Aug. 21, 1744. By 1749 he was in Lunenburg Co., in present
Halifax Co., VA area. Last mentioned in records of South River Monthly Meeting of
the Quakers on Apr. 21, 1759. Possible connection to a Richard KIRBY named as a
headright in a patent granted in 1642.
Elizabeth - Mother of Betty, but possibly the
second wife of Richard. Recorded as wife of Richard in deed of Feb. 16, 1742, and possibly
deceased at time of a deed of gift of 100 acres from Richard to daughter Betty GOLDBEY on
Aug. 20, 1744.
Over the years, there have been two
different theories in regards to your question. The first of these is that:
Old Richard KERBY of Halifax Co., VA was the father of:
(1) Old John (wife Johanna)
(2) Francis KERBY of Albemarle Co., Va
(3) an unknown son who was the father of Richard & Henry Baker Kerby.
The second theory (which I subscribe to) is:
An unknown KIRBY/KERBY was the father of:
(1) Old Richard KERBY of Halifax Co., VA
(2) Old John (wife Johanna)
(3) Francis KERBY of Albemarle Co., Va
(4) An unknow son who was the father of Richard & Henry
Baker Kerby.
I feel sure that the John (wife Jemima) should be factored into these theories in some
manner. Any other ideas, theories, suppositions, etc would be greatly appreciated.
Larry larryb@scsn.net
Thomas Kerby in America-Part II
David and Elizabeth's first child, a son they named Jesse, was born in Halifax Co., Va.,
Oct 23,
1756. He served in the Henry County,Virginia Militia during the Revolutionary War.
Jesse married Sophia Choice in Henry County on March 18, 1778. Sophia was born in Halifax
Va., September 23, 1760, the daughter of Tully Choice Sr., and Ann Duff.
Jesse and Sophia had thirteen children.
Jesse's brother, Leonard Tarrant Kirby, was born October 4, 1760, in Pittsylvania County,
Va. On May
1, 1778, *Leonard enlisted in the Revolutionary Army from Henry Co., Va in Captain Brice
Virginia Company. For 3 months he assisted in building a fort and fighting Shawnee
Indians. He
served in several companies until 1782.
Shortly after the war, Leonard, along with his father and brothers, moved to Greenville
South Carolina.
On May 1, 1787, Leonard, Jesse, and Solomon Kirby made their first trek into Kentucky
They had a dual purpose:one was to hunt and accumulate furs; the other was to search out
the new
territory for prime land to lay claim to for a future move to Kentucky.
By August of 1797, Jesse and Sophia Kirby and their children were settled into their new
home on
Drake's Creek(Warren County)in Kentucky. Leonard and his family would soon follow them. By
Leonard was living in Warren County, Ky with his wife, five sons, and four daughters. In
1820 he was
living in Sumner Co. Tenn., on the Caney Fork branch of Drake's Creek. By 1840 he was
again living
in Warren Co., Ky with his son, Leonard Kirby, Jr.
Leonard Sr. died September 15, 1842. He was 81 years old.
Jesse Kirby died in Warren County, Kentucky on December 17, 1852, at the age of 95.
His wife Sophia Choice Kirby died in Warren County, Ky., July 11, 1853 at the age of 92.
Jesse and
Sophia had been married 74 years and nine months.
They are buried in the family cemetery on Dye's Ford Road, a few miles south of Bowling
Green, Ky.
John Kirby, son of Leonard, was born around 1798 in Greenville Co., S.C. He married Sarah
daughter of William Woodall, on Feb 6, 1821 in Sumner Co., Tenn.
John Kirby was murdered on July 16, 1831, according to Sumner Co., Court records referred
to in a
DAR application on Leonard T. Kirby, John's father.
John and Sarah's son Westley W. Kirby was born in Sumner Co., October 18, 1822. He and
Nancy Hodges
were married the 15th day of February, 1841, in Sumner Co.
Sometime between 1850 and 1870 Westley moved his family to Simpson Co., Ky. Nancy had died
Westley had married Mary Duffy, a widow with two sons. Westley died in Simpson Co. on
April 27,
This is where my lineage has been brought into question. Some say that Jim Kirby* was the
son of
Westley W. Kirby and Nancy Hodges.
Others, that he was the son of Joseph Kirby and Dolly Woodward.
Still another claims that Jim's father is unknown and his mother was Dorothy Kirby who may
not have
been married at all. All these possibilities are currently being researched.
*The evidence to date indicates that my Jim Kirby was not the son of Westley and Nancy.
This conclusion from the Ky Vital Statistics Death Index listing a James M. Kirby, age 74,
who died
in Simpson Co., Ky., on April 10, 1924. I believe this James to be the son of Westley and
My gr.gr.grandfather, James M. Kirby, died at age 81, on April 8, 1924, in Butler Co., Ky.
A rather strange coincidence to say the least, that both James M. Kirby's died within two
days of
each other and in neighboring counties.
I have no doubt that they were related....probably cousins.
James M. "Jim" Kirby(my gr-gr-grandfather)was born in Sumner or Robertson Co.,Tn
circa 1844. He and
Mary Ann Summerville were married June 15, 1868 in Butler Co., Ky at the home of William
Kirby, the
brother of Westley Kirby. William was also the surety for Jim on his marriage bond.
The relationship between Jim and William Kirby has not been clearly established.
"Jim Kirby fought in the Civil War and helped build the old log Church-Bethel
Church-at South Hill.
Jim and Mary's son, John Wesley Kirby*, was born the day they put up the last log on the
church."(From Jesse White, grandson of James and Mary Kirby)
*John Wesley Kirby, the second son of Jim and Mary, was born in Logan Co., Ky., on Nov 25,
James Kirby was a private in the 11th Kentucky Regiment, F Company, during the Civil War.
He enlisted on Feb 19, 1863, age 18, at Bowling Green, Ky.
He was discharged July 5, 1865 at Louisville, Ky.
I know of one sibling of Jim Kirby...A sister named Julia.
My gr-grandfather, Greenberry(G.B.)Kirby was born in Butler Co., Ky on May 2, 1868 or
1869. On
January 4, 1888, he married Delia(Dealie)Elamon, daughter of James Elloman and Martha
They had nine living children, one of whom was my grandmother, Lura Bell Kirby.
Lura Kirby was born on December 5, 1896 in Butler Co., Ky and married Preston Kinkade in
1917. They
had seven daughters, the 7th being my mother, Anna Mildred Kinkade.
Dealie Kirby died April 13, 1930. My mother said that Dealie died while
"shouting" at a Church
Greenberry Kirby later married Sally Skillen. He died on July 26, 1949 and both he and
Dealie are
buried at Bethel Cemetery in South Hill, Ky.
Preston Kinkade, son of Samuel Preston Kinkade, was born in Butler Co., July 22, 1896, and
died July
22, 1967 in Indianapolis on his 71st birthday.
"Mammy", Lura Kirby Kinkade, died September 17, 1975. Hill Haven Memory Gardens
in Morgantown,
Butler Co., Ky is their final resting place.
SOURCES include other Kirby family researchers; birth, death and census records from
Kentucky, and Tennessee; excerpts, including sources, from the book "Early Mine"
by Robert E. Kirby;
and other Kirby family members as well as personal knowledge.